About Me

Hi there. My name is Wolfgang and I mainly work on Ruby on Rails, Vue and React applications since 7 years. I am working with amazing engineers developing large and small scale applications.



A Gem for generating Placeholder Images using Delauny Triangulation.

Technologies Used:

  1. Ruby

Naturhof Chemnitz e.V. Website

Homepage for Naturhof Chemnitz e.V. - a non-profit organization I work for.

Technologies Used:

  1. Vue 3
  2. Nuxt

BuFak 2015 at HTW Dresden

Created bufak-dresden.de for a conference of student associations back in 2015.

Technologies Used:

  1. Wordpress
  2. Bootstrap
  3. CSS

Developer at Hausgold

Projects I'm contributing to:

  1. CRM

Technologies Used:

  1. Ruby on Rails :)
  2. dry-rb (https://dry-rb.org/)

Developer at pludoni

Projects I was contributing to:

  1. FaireKarriere
  2. Empfehlungsbund
  3. Itsax
  4. HRfilter

Technologies Used:

  1. Ruby on Rails :)
  2. GraphQL
  3. Vue.js
  4. PostgreSQL
  5. SASS

Check out my Github


  1. faranto e.V. - Active member
  2. StuRa HTW Dresden - Former member
  3. Crossfit - Very untalented at sports but I love the community aspect

Procrastination Stuff

  1. Advent of code - Lots of programming problems to solve
  2. Khan Academy - Good for learning HTML/CSS
  3. Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures - Mankinds biggest collection of algorithms
  4. Code Triage - Help solve bugs or implement features for the OpenSource community


  1. DomainDrivenDesign - One of the most important things while scaling and hardest to fix later is bad domain modeling, deeply learn about building good data models.